
About School

"Welcome to our Childhood Montessori World: Unlocking the Joy of Learning!"

Discover a captivating online space dedicated to Montessori education, where children's natural curiosity and love for exploration are nurtured. Our website provides a gateway to an enchanting educational approach that celebrates independence, hands-on learning, and holistic development.

Explore our Montessori-inspired resources, designed to empower both parents and educators with valuable insights, practical tips, and engaging activities. Delve into the rich Montessori philosophy, where each child is recognized as a unique individual with unlimited potential.

Immerse yourself in our vibrant community, connecting with like-minded individuals who share a passion for fostering a lifelong love of learning. Uncover the transformative power of Montessori, creating an environment where children thrive academically, emotionally, and socially.

Join us on this incredible journey as we unlock the boundless possibilities in Childhood preschool, fostering curious minds, independent thinkers, and compassionate individuals who will shape the world of tomorrow. Together, let's embrace the magic of Childhood!

School Facilities

Childhood Preschool is designed with facilities that cater to the unique needs of young learners.

Montessori based curriculum

Our Specialized Activity Zone is a unique feature of our curriculum designed to foster holistic development in children. This zone includes various activity areas, each tailored to stimulate specific skills and interests in children.

Specialized activity zone

Our Specialized Activity Zone is a unique feature of our curriculum designed to foster holistic development in children. This zone includes various activity areas, each tailored to stimulate specific skills.

Regular Health Check-ups

We prioritize the health of our children. Regular health check-ups are conducted by a professional pediatrician to ensure the well-being of every child.

Live CCTV Streaming

To ensure the safety and security of our children, we provide live CCTV streaming. Parents can have peace of mind knowing they can check .

Open Play Area

Our open play area is designed to encourage physical activity and social interaction. It’s a space where children can run, play, and explore freely.

Freshly Cooked & Healthy Meal

We serve freshly cooked and healthy meals prepared under the guidance of a nutritionist. Our meal plans are designed to provide balanced nutrition to support the growth and development of the children.

24x7 Security

The safety of our children is our top priority. We have 24x7 security measures in place to ensure a safe and secure environment for our children.

Transport Facility

We provide a transport facility for the convenience of our children and their parents. Our vehicles are safe, and our drivers are trained to ensure a smooth and secure commute.

School Classes

From arts and crafts to science and math, our classes provide a well-rounded education that prepares children for their future academic journey.

1.6 years
9:30 am - 12:30 pm
50 Kids
6 months to 12 years
Flexiable Time
8am - 8pm
50 Kids
2.6 Years
9:30 am - 12:30 pm
50 Kids
3.6 years
9:30 am - 12:30 pm
50 Kids
4.6 Years
9:30 am - 12:30 pm
30 Kids

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